Public Service Announcement
"Podcasting Dreams"
chose to think in terms of the near-future use of podcasts when I
conceived my PSA. I conducted exit interviews with some of the Tech
Club students and videotaped them. Some of the students identified
podcasting as their favorite activity because of the collaboration and
expression the project allowed them. When I watched Larry's footage,
however, I knew that my PSA needed to concentrate on this one
individual and the difference podcasting made in his life this year.
You can watch my PSA here.
The Stakeholders
identified four stakeholders: two of them are people I work with, the
other two work at the district administrative level. I also showed my
film to several teachers who work with Larry. One of the teachers cried
when she watched the video. The superintendent was at school on the
last day of classes, so I showed her the film as well and she was
impressed and moved. The people who worked with Larry were most
affected by the film.
I captured the conversation we had
as notes that I typed while the stakeholders spoke. I left them "rough"
because I think the notes most accurately capture the person's voice
and the conversation.
One of two teachers leading the Autism Spectrum program at the
elementary school where I work. This was her first year in the program.
Background in education: MA in special ed, worked with preschool and
elem students. Parent educator in a community college. Small private
pre-schools with Autistic students. Not Larry's case manager, but she
has worked closely with Larry because he comes to the classroom in the
morning. She works with Larry a lot.
Thought it was great. Felt it was an effective means of demonstrating
how podcasts can be used to communicate. Socializing and confidence
building: S. is a valuable part of the school community. Got an inroad
into what Larry thinks: hard time understanding what he wants, needs,
or is thinking about. Amazing that he is thinking these things. Deep
and profound thoughts. Language is garbled a little, but "magic is
love," "friends working together," he has a vision of a beautiful world
and that he is a beautiful person. Powerful that we have begun to
understand him. He's learned the technical process: working with
others, practicing. In the past practicing didn't work with him, but
this process showed him what rehearsal was about. After listening to
another CD [of music Larry created] the other day, Larry walked in and
smiled. "I can do stuff, too." Students in the program do not get
enough of this. Very effective for our population: technology, social
skills, self-esteem. People and peers might come up to him and
congratulate him.
Larry was extremely anxious and very
easy to escalate into screaming and not knowing what to do with
himself. Over the year he has settled down into a more calm person and
definitely the last two months, because of Tech Club, he has made a new
friend in T. As interested in T. as T. is in him, and he wasn't like
that earlier. Greets the routine people independently: before,
everything was prompted. Able to express and communicate what he wants:
used to have to prompt. Now he is able to tell people what he wants or
needs. Able to initiate. Usually these students focus on one adult, but
Larry will reach out to other adults around him. He is expressing
himself better. He is also doing more writing. I remember when we used
to give him writing, he would stare at the screen, even if given words.
Now he writes. He enjoys it more because he has seen what it leads to.
Elementary school principal at the school where I work. Ralph was
present for the formation of the Autism Spectrum program at the school
and has been a vocal supporter and champion of the program. His career
spans the creation and recreation of Special Education. Before 94142
the first law that said you will education students with disabilities:
became a principal the year before it went into law. The school he
worked at was already heavily special education. Chose to be a
principal at schools with sizeable special ed populations. Eventually
became a director of special education program before returning to
Lakeridge as the principal.
Reaction: Powerful. Brings
to mind many years ago, easily 30, I was visited by an educator from
Scotland. Doing things with severely disabled kids that nobody else was
doing. Sent a book, "Dam Burst of Dreams," written by a 12 year old
Scottish kid with Cerebral Palsy who was kept at home. Totally
non-verbal, education system considered him a vegetable. Parents
considered him their son, spoke to him like a normal kid. Through the
magic of tech, electric typewriters came to being. They bought him a
typewriter and he wrote a book of poems quickly. So many stories like
that now, that show us that we need to find ways to let kids who are
communication "locked" to unlock this. Larry is an example of this:
most people might see him as "retarded" but he is decidedly not
Podcasting is like the electric typewriter:
it is a chance to bring meaning to communication. He is motivated to
that in a way not much of his environment has not. Writing and speaking
skills. Typing. He understands that he is saying this to other people
and that they are going to hear it. The proof in that is how the kids
and the adults have responded to Larry's work. The power of his words
is amazing. Somehow Larry gets that and it motivates it.
Director of Technology for the district. This is her fourth year in the
position. Prior to this position she was a secondary physics and math
teacher as well as curriculum lead for technology. She also lead the
Technology Planning Team and the Tech Advisory Group, a community
organization. Two roles: operations, making sure everything is running,
buying equipment; leading the instructional technology efforts. In
larger districts the responsibilities would be divided between two
Reactions: What are people going to understand
about the autism spectrum and how the technology increased what the
student can do? Nice mix of you talking about the technology and
pictures of the student and his work. If you were to show it at the
school people would know what you're talking about. If you showed it to
a general teaching group they would understand. Obviously, technically
it is well done.
Director of Student Services for the school district. This is Pat's
first year in the position. She oversees Student Services at three
elementary schools, a middle school, a high school, and an alternative
high school. Student services are Special Education, ELL, state and
federal programs for struggling learners, truancy. Former school
psychologist for 16 years prior to becoming the director. Worked in
another district in the state and in California. Former executive
director of a private foundation. Director for Camp Fire program for
five years.
Reaction: Like the whole feel of it. When
he is looking at the computer screen it was distracting to look at the
refresh rate of the monitor. The end, as much as I like listening to
him sing it got long with just the words. Would like the words bigger
or an occasional picture: lost focus. Pulled in by his voice and his
own writing. Not clear that he wrote the song. Did not pay attention to
the credits. Loved the pictures in there. The stills grabbed me.
Pictures will always grab me emotionally. Helpful to identify that he
has autism. The increased communication skills, verbal skills were
important. Powerful message needs to be that this is an amazing thing
to do with kids. Purpose is that this technology helps people
communicate. Like pictures of Larry with the microphones, connecting
with other kids. Sharing his songs with the school. Loved hearing him
sing at the end but it went a little long. What I'm getting from this:
podcasting is a way to integrate autistic students and build their